S I Karate
Боевые искусства с 4 лет и до... Mixed martial arts для детей и подростков: карате, дзюдо, самбо, аэробика, kickboxing, fitness, йога. Специальные курсы для взрослых Армейский Рукопашный Бой. Learn an effective martial arts system developed by S.I. Karate based in Staten Island, New York. The martial arts system we have developed is based on the fundamentals of Russian Real Hand to Hand Military Combat, RyuKyu Kempo (Okinawan form of Karate), Brazilian JiuJitsu, Sambo and Judo. These skills include different aspects of Punching, Kicking, Throwing, Joint Locking, Ground Grappling, and Pressure Point Techniques. We concentrate on providing karate lessons to young and old students ranging from four years old through the age of 20. S.I. Karate and its instructors understand the need for children to be taught in different manner than adults as well as teaching young children differently from older ones. It is for this reason that our classes are structured by age and experience. We have separate beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes for Peewees (ages 4-8) Juniors (ages 9-14) and adults (ages 14 and up).
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Сегодня с 9:00 до 14:00